Hello there.
You might be wondering about the text on the home page. Really, they are just slightly modified versions of some jokes and memes I've encountered over the years and found funny enough to put on here. If you want to know the context, feel free to send me a message.
But now, introductions. My name is Jakob, currently I am working as an IT contractor while studying in the teacher’s programme. I have worked on a few projects over the years, the most popular ones being EnvyUpdate, an update checker for Nvidia drivers on Windows, and dns.notjakob.com, an Apple MobileConfig editor for using encrypted DNS.
Apart from all kinds of technology I am quite interested in photography, some of my pictures can be seen on pics.notjakob.com. I also have a love for music, although I unfortunately do not play any instruments myself – a fact I am intending to change. My favourite artists include Everything Everything as well as Tom Rosenthal.
If you want to talk to me, do not hesitate to contact me via Email (contact [ at ] notjakob.com) or in the Fediverse. See you around, and thanks for reading!